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8 Things You Have to Do To Have an Amazing Fall!

8 Things You Have to Do To Have an Amazing Fall!

Can you guys believe we are almost in September! It feels like summer flew by, and it definitely was not as fun as we were used to. It’s been hard dealing with 6 months of covid restrictions and stay at home orders. But a new season is upon us, and it’s time to jump in with fresh spirits. Fall is a season for fresh starts so we’ve got to take every opportunity to celebrate it. 2020 has been a tough year, so making it to Fall is just another reason to cheer up – the year is almost over! Here are a few of my tips for how to get ready for Fall!

8 Ways to Get Ready for Fall

everything to do this fall
fall home decorating ideas
what to wear this fall

Go Back to School Shopping

You’ll never forget the nervous excitement about the first day of school! Even if you are remote learning or your school years are behind you, you can still get into that back to school spirit. One of the best ways to get ready for Fall is to go “back to school” shopping. Pick up some cute desk accessories for your home office or update your gadgets if they need a refresh. Take advantage of the dozens of sales and stockpile of inventory that stores have been unable to sell-through! It really is a buyer’s market for anything that’s on your list, so don’t miss those back to school sales and discounts.

Sign Up for a New Class

In keeping with the back to school spirit, why not get ready for Fall by signing up for a new class? One of my favorite ways to get ready for Fall is to start a new activity. Since a lot of in-person activities and group events will be off-limits because of covid, check out some online classes instead. Whether it’s learning a new language or taking a baking class so you can finally master the art of sourdough bread, find a hobby that offers online classes. It will be a fun way to get ready for Fall, break up the days stuck at home, and learn something that will hopefully come in handy for the future.

Take in Some Fall Fashion Inspiration

Fashion really is one of the best things about Fall! One of my favorite ways to get ready for Fall is to get inspired with some new seasonal fashion. From the September covers of every fashion magazine, to the new collections hitting stores – Fall fashion inspiration is everything! Make sure you get ready for Fall by doing some back to school (or back to work) shopping,  updating your wardrobe and accessories with some of the seasons newest trends.

Plan a Fall Weekend Adventure

Spring and summer travel may have been a bit disappointing, but hopefully things will turn around! If you have held off on traveling earlier in the year, fall may be a great time to plan a vacation. One of the best ways to get ready for Fall is to end your summer on a high note! Looking for ideas for where to travel this Fall? The weather in September is pretty perfect in a lot of different places so you’ll have plenty of options to choose from! The perfect Fall getaway could be anything from renting a cabin in the woods to flying off to a beach destination (travel restrictions permitted!)

Take Part in Some Fall Favorite Activities

Even if you are staying local, Fall is full of amazing activities! One of my favorite ways to get ready for Fall is to plan some fall foliage watching. The colors are stunning and it’s the perfect way to escape the city for an afternoon. You also can’t go wrong with a day of apple picking, pumpkin patching, or visiting vineyards for the fall harvest. One of the best things about Fall is the endless options for activities! If you are wondering what to do this Fall, look up seasonal (social distancing friendly) activities in your city, or plan a mini adventure with your friends!

Do Some Fall Cleaning and Home Décor Updates

Another way to get ready for Fall is to get your home refreshed for the season. Bring in some seasonal décor and stock up new Fall scented candles. If you are looking for ways to get ready for Fall, bringing the seasonal spirit into your home is the best way to start. I also think another great way to get ready for Fall is to do some seasonal cleaning. Spring cleaning is a thing, so why not Fall? Plus it will make it easier for you when you flip from Fall décor to holiday!

Review and Update Your Budget

Fall means the year is almost over. Another great way to get ready for Fall is to focus on your finances. This year has been a challenging one on multiple fronts, but economics was a huge one. I lost my job in April due to covid, so I know what it’s like to be reeling from financial losses this year. No matter what your financial situation, get ready for Fall and the end of the year by reviewing your finances. Look at your savings, debt, and income as well as ways to adjust your expenses or bring in more income if you can. Get ready for Fall and a new year by starting on the best financial foot possible!  

Register to Vote

The last, and most important thing you should do to get ready for Fall is to make sure you are registered to vote! This year is an election year, and a critical one at that. If you do nothing else this Fall, make sure you vote! Immediately check the deadlines in your state for voter registration, and if you plan to vote by mail, request that ballot asap. We’ve all noticed delays in getting mail, and you don’t want to wait and risk having your vote not be counted.

Also, if you have the time, volunteer to work the polls in your district. Most poll workers are elderly and there will be a shortage due to covid. Step it up if you can!

What are you most excited about this Fall?

8 Tips to Plan the Perfect Fall
how to get ready for Fall
everything you need to get ready for Fall!

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