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I  Took Collagen Daily for 21 Days and You Won’t Believe My Results!

I Took Collagen Daily for 21 Days and You Won’t Believe My Results!

Have you been keeping up with your skin care routine? I definitely tried to but the past few months have been a doozy to say the least. Since things are slowly starting to calm down, and I’ll hopefully be back to wedding planning soon, I decided to take some time to think about how to step up my beauty game. I have several skin care favorites that I use every day, and I indulge in regular skin treats like face masks and rose quartz rolling. But sometimes, especially once you hit a certain age, you’ve got to step up your game! There are only so many things you can do topically, so I started thinking about skin care from within. Obviously diet plays a huge role in how your skin, nails, and hair look. But we never get everything we need from dieting alone. A lot of people rely on vitamins and supplements to get their maximum nutrition, and there are plenty of supplements designed for beauty as well.

One of the most important beauty supplements is collagen. Collagen is amazing for a whole host of reasons, but you have to find the right formula and take it consistently for best results. I decided to do a 21 Day Collagen Challenge to see what would happen after consistent use. Keep reading for more about the benefits of taking collagen daily, how it can benefit your skin, hair, nails and overall health, and the results from my 21 Day Collagen Challenge!

21 Day Collagen Challenge Results

I Took Collagen Daily for 21 Days and You Won’t Believe My Results!

anti aging skin care routine
anti aging skin care tips.JPG

Benefits of Taking Collagen Daily

So what are the benefits of taking a collagen supplement? Collagen is great for more than just beauty! Collagen is the most abundant protein in your body. It’s essential for the connective tissues that make up several parts of your body, like tendons, ligaments, skin, and muscles. Collagen supports these essentials, and also has several other health benefits, from helping with joint pain to improving overall skin health. Collagen also improves elasticity and hydration, which is why it’s essential for anti-aging. It helps strengthen skin, reduce wrinkles and increase hydration and elasticity.

Collagen is also great for nails and hair! Taking collagen daily can prevent brittle, weak nails and encourage hair growth.

Collagen Tablets vs Drinking Collagen

So what’s the best way to get your collagen in? There are tons of options on the market so it can understandably get pretty overwhelming. From capsules to powders to liquid drinks, to injectables, the options can seem never ending!

I’ve tried both collagen capsules and collagen powder that you mix into a beverage to drink in liquid form. Both have pros and cons so it’s really up to you! A pill or tablet is the fastest, easiest way to get your collagen. However if you already take a lot of other vitamins and supplements it can get annoying adding another one to your plate.

Studies have shown that liquid collagen is digested and absorbed into the bloodstream more quickly and efficiently than solid supplements, so they really are best for maximizing the benefits of taking collagen. Collagen powders are another popular option, and the most versatile. A collagen powder can be mixed with pretty much anything – coffee, smoothies, oatmeal, yogurt, etc. It’s a great way to sneak in the supplement without really realizing that it’s there. This approach really only works if you find a formula that is perfectly odorless and colorless, and that dissolves quickly and easily. It can take some trial and error to find a formula that works for you, so look for samples before committing to a huge tub! I love my Hair La Vie collagen, but it really only mixes with water. Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides is another great formula. It’s a high protein formula so not a low calorie collagen supplement, but it works well with my high protein diet. I love how easily it mixes into just about anything – no clumps, chalkiness, weird smell or taste!

Results from Taking Collagen Daily

So does taking collagen daily really make a difference? I have been taking collagen on and off for years, but kind of fell off my routine the past few months. I’ve been trying to get back to normal in a lot of ways, and my health and beauty routines are just one of the areas I’m revamping. After being out of my routine for a while, I decided to get back to business with a 21 day collagen challenge.  Essentially, I would commit to taking a collagen supplement daily – either in capsule or powder form. Keep reading for my results from taking collagen every day!

Week 1 of the Collagen Challenge

I’ve been on a smoothie kick, so I start by adding a scoop of the Vital Proteins Collagen Peptides to my usual recipe. The standard serving size is 2 scoops, but I want to start with a small amount to make sure it doesn’t affect the taste and texture. Everything is all good, so the next day I add 2 scoops and it’s still completely unnoticeable.

On days where I don’t make a smoothie I just mix the collagen into my coffee. It’s really amazing how unnoticeable it is, so that is an upside to this challenge. I also have a jar of Hum collagen pills that I never finished, so if I forget to take the powdered collagen I just pop one of the supplements instead. I don’t notice any major results the first few days, but the extra protein boost from the collagen powder keeps me full longer so I snack less. Maybe there will be an added weight loss bonus at the end of this 21 Day Collagen Challenge?

Week 2 of the Collagen Challenge

I experiment with adding the collagen to more recipes – oatmeal, pancakes, a yogurt parfait. Love the versatility and how easy it is to mix in with everything! I also notice that my nails are growing faster than usual. I’ve always had nails that will grow and stay pretty strong, but they do tend to get ridges or microtears that make me have to trim them down. This week they are looking long and sturdy! My skin also feels softer, but I don’t notice any major results. Not that I expect to see immediate skin results from taking collagen every day for 2 weeks. I see my collagen routine more as something long term and preventative when it comes to anti-aging.

Week 3 of the Collagen Challenge

Towards the end of the third week I notice a big impact in my hair - less breakage and shedding and a little bit more shine! It’s hard to tell with kinky curly hair, but I definitely think something is happening. I also love that the high protein collagen helps keep me fuller longer so I snack less and stay in a calorie deficit. Nails are staying on point too and my skin looks nice and healthy.

Overall, I definitely recommend taking a collagen supplement daily. You may not notice instant results, but be patient. Collagen is amazing for anti-aging, so even if you aren’t amazed by your immediate results, you may be grateful you comitted to the routine years later. Let me know if you decide to try a 21 Day Collagen Challenge and what results you get from taking collagen daily!

Skin Care Anti Aging Challenge
21 Day Collagen Challenge

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