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I Used a Rose Quartz Roller Daily for 2 Weeks. Here’s What Happened

I Used a Rose Quartz Roller Daily for 2 Weeks. Here’s What Happened

How many of you start updating your skin care routine for the New Year? I usually keep it pretty consistent and avoid following beauty trends, but I happened to get a rose quartz face roller around the holidays! I’ve seen a lot of buzz about them, but never considered adding one into my rotation. My skin care process is involved enough and I also wasn’t buying the hype about them. Can a little stone rolling device really transform your skin? I debated returning it for some of my beauty favorites that I knew would be efficient, but decided to give it a try for 2 weeks and see what would happen.

Keep reading more my experience with rose quartz face rolling, why you should use a rose quartz face roller, and of course, my results from regular use of a face roller.  

Healing Benefits of Rose Quartz

Benefits of Rose Quartz Face Rolling

Rose Quartz rolling apparently has a ton of benefits! If you are into the various meanings of stones and elements, rose quartz is said to be a healing stone. Rose quartz is believed to remove emotional stress, purify energy, open the heart, as well as comfort and sooth. Rose quartz face rollers are said to improve blood circulation and overall skin tone, remove wrinkles and puffiness, reduce dark undereye circles, eliminate toxins and promote lymphatic drainage. Sounds like a miracle treatment, right? I was definitely skeptical that a rose quartz roller would do all of this, so I was excited to use it daily for 14 days and see what would happen. 


jade roller versus rose quartz roller

Rose Quartz versus Jade Face Rollers

There are a lot of stone rollers on the market, and rose quartz and jade are some of the most popular. So, what’s the difference between a rose quartz roller and a jade roller? Jade rollers also have the benefit of increased circulation and lymphatic drainage, which is your body’s natural way of detoxing. Jade is also more known to have a brightening effect on the skin. However, jade is a softer stone than rose quartz, so your rose quartz roller will be more durable and last longer than a jade roller will. A jade roller also will warm on contact, while a rose quartz roller will stay cool much longer. This is partially why rose quartz rollers have more of the pore tightening benefits than jade rollers. Rose quartz rolling also helps your skin care products absorb more deeply, so they can really penetrate your skin and perform more effectively. 

benefits of rose quartz rolling

How to Use a Rose Quartz Face Roller

So here is how my 14 day rose quartz roller challenge went! Some people keep their face rollers in the fridge but I knew that wouldn’t work for me. I decided to pop it in the freezer for about 15 minutes before using it. Then every night I would do my normal skin care routine before starting to roll. I didn’t add any new products or change my routine so I could be sure that any change in my skin could be attributed to the rose quartz roller. Then I would roll my face and neck for about 2-3 minutes each night. If you use a rose quartz or jade roller, make sure to roll outwards and down. Imagine your nose as the center of your face and everything rolling away from your nose, towards your hairline and down your jawline and chin. This encourages proper lymphatic drainage. I kept the pressure moderate and comfortable, and use the big end for face and neck and the small end for underneath my eyes. It felt cool and refreshing but not otherwise remarkable.

how to use a rose quartz roller

Results of Rose Quartz Face Rolling

After about 3 days of daily rose quartz rolling I noticed that my skin felt a little tighter and firmer. On day 5 I had dinner with friends I hadn’t seen in a while and a few people asked if I had lost weight.  This was a week after Christmas and I most definitely had not! The rose quartz roller was actually making my face and neck look more slender! Around day 7 my fiancé came home with a pretty bad shoulder bruise and he asked if I could test my fancy roller on it. Bruising is caused when blood vessels beneath the skin burst, causing the patchy redness. Since the rose quartz roller is supposed to help reduce inflammation and uneven skin tone I decided to test it out on him. The bruise was pretty much gone after 2 days of rolling!

By day 10 of consistent face rolling I was hooked. My dark circles were reduced, my pores look smaller, and skin looks firmer and more toned. Overall, I feel like I’m just waking up prettier and you have to love that as a result! If you are curious about trying a rose quartz roller, in my opinion it’s a must!

Some of them are insanely expensive, but the exact one I have is linked below and it’s only $20. Also including some of my current skin care favorites. 

 Let me know if you try rose quartz face rolling and what you think! 

Rose Quartz Roller Review
Tips for Using a Facial Roller




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